AREAEB Community Service
The Asian Real Estate Association of the East Bay is a Nonprofit under IRS Code 501(c). All donations to AREAEB are tax deductible and help support the work we do in the East Bay Community. In the past, we have donated and volunteered with Alameda County Food Bank, Meals on Wheels, Feed the Hunger, as well as starting our own Scholarship Fund.
Annual Scholarship
AREAEB is offering a $1000.00 Scholarship to a CSUEB student to be awarded January 11 2019
Open to any current CSUEB student Junior Status or Higher
GPA 2.5 or Higher
Any declared major may participate
Write an essay to be at least 700 words and less than 1600 words double space
What solutions would you offer the affordable housing problem for students like yourself or general population ? Why do you deserve this scholarship ?
Provide unofficial transcript to verify GPA, student status, and major.
Deliver all information to AREAEB Scholarship Committee by
Saturday December 22 2018 11:59pm (midnight) at email address [email protected] . Award to be given out 1/11/2019 Questions? email [email protected]
Happy New Year! Thank you for all your generous donations! We raised $1,530 on our Facebook Fundraiser page and received $200 donations via checks. We have sent off our matching donation of $1,730 to the Salvation Army! Great job everyone and we hope you stay safe and warm.